
Monday, September 23, 2013

Graphic 45 French Country Altered Tags And Box--Part 2 And 3: Altering The First And Second Tag

Hi crafters :))

I have finished two altered tags to be put into the box I created. Here are some of the pictures and two start-to-finish videos on how I made them. 
During this long long process of using French Country Collection, I actually started to love this collection. I wasn't a big fan before, but not anymore.
There are a lot of fussy cutting going on in this project. The tags might look simple, but it took me a long time, lol. 
I didn't make them mixed media style. Because the paper is already gorgeous enough to speak for itself. Any Graphic 45 paper collections are like that actually. 
Anyways, hope you like it :)

Here are the pictures:

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